Patatas Torres Sal Mediterránea - Potatoe chips salted with mediterranean sea salt
Thin premium potato chips deep-fried in sunflower oil according to a traditional recipe, with the right pinch of sea salt to exactly match the full taste of the Patatas Torres family. The practical 150 g chip bag is the ideal companion for an aperitivo while grilling or for a movie night with friends.
Kartoffeln, Sonnenblumenöl, Salz (0,4%)
Ernährungsinformationen/Nutrition Information/Información Nutricional:
Durchschnittswert Average Value/Valor Medio | pro 100 g per 100 g / por 100 g |
Energiewert/Energy Value/Valor energético | 2454 kJ, 591 kcal |
Fett/Fat/Grasas | 43 g |
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/of which saturated/de las cuales saturadas | 5,3 g |
Kohlenhydrate/Carbohydrates/Hidratos de carbono | 44 g |
- davon Zucker/of which sugar/de los cuales azúcares | 0 g |
Proteine/Proteins/Proteínas | 5 g |
Salz/Salt/Sal | 0,4 g |
Name und Adresse des Herstellers/Name and address of manufacturer/Nombre y dirección del operador:
Calle Verneda del Congost, 4 - Pol. Ind. El Pedragar
08160 Montmeló ( Barcelona ) Spain