Olive oil, Crema Balsamica and Spanish beverages

Here you have the choice of some exclusively selected products, such as organic extra virgin olive oil, and the selected types of wine and cava.
Cava can be compared to French champagne, not only in taste, but also in production is almost identical.
We also have high-quality balsamic vinegar in our portfolio to optimally underline your salad.
All products are rare specialties from Spain.

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Olive oil and Spanish wine

Spanish olive oil

The olives on offer are personally selected and meet the highest quality standards for olives of the first quality class.

Crema balsamic vinegar

Very good balsamic for dressing salads.

Spanish sparkling wine / Cava

The Spanish sparkling wine, called cava, is a specialty that has its origins in Catalonia. 

Spanish wine

Buy Spanish wines, red wine, white wine, rosé wine.