Salsa Romesco - Tomato-bell pepper sauce with almonds
Salsa Romesco is a traditional Catalan sauce from the Tarragona region, made with roasted almonds, mild paprika, tomatoes, olive oil and garlic.
It is the ideal companion for grilled meat and pasta, as well as for vegetables or simply as a dip for white bread.
Its name comes from the Mozarabic expression "remescolar", which means to mix and stir different ingredients.
tomato, olive oil, sunflower oil, water, toasted almonds, wine vinegar, garlic, sugar, sweet paprika, black pepper and salt.
Ernährungsinformationen/Nutrition Information/Información Nutricional:
Durchschnittswert Average Value/Valor Medio | pro 100 g per 100 g / por 100 g |
Energiewert/Energy Value/Valor energético | 1767 kJ, 423 kcal |
Fett/Fat/Grasas | 39.1 g |
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/of which saturated/de las cuales saturadas | 4.5 g |
Kohlenhydrate/Carbohydrates/Hidratos de carbono | 14.4 g |
- davon Zucker/of which sugar/de los cuales azúcares | 4.1 g |
Proteine/Proteins/Proteínas | 3.4 g |
Salz/Salt/Sal | 1.4 g |
Name und Adresse des Herstellers/Name and address of manufacturer/Nombre y dirección del operador:
Crta. Santpedor a Navarcles km 4 – 08251 Santpedor – Barcelona