Spanish green olive creme
Spanish green olive creme on a plate
Spanish green olive creme with bread
Preview: Spanish green olive creme
Preview: Spanish green olive creme on a plate
Preview: Spanish green olive creme with bread

This product is compatible with (for example):

Mini crackers bonarea
1.88 €
15.67 € per kg
Spanish Crackers for spreads
  • Perfect crackers for Spanish bread spreads
  • Contains cranberries for a slightly sweet taste
  • Pack of 100 g content 
3.22 €
32.20 € per kg

This product is similar to:

Mini crackers bonarea
1.88 €
15.67 € per kg
Spanish Crackers for spreads
  • Perfect crackers for Spanish bread spreads
  • Contains cranberries for a slightly sweet taste
  • Pack of 100 g content 
3.22 €
32.20 € per kg