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Main page » Culinary Delight » Spanish Olives » Green olives » Aceitunas Moradas Hojiblanca 920 g - Dark and green hojiblanca olives

Aceitunas Rajadas Moradas Hojiblanca - Spanische Oliven der Sorte Hojiblanca
Glass with Spanish, sun-ripened olives. The dark and green Spanish olives of the Hojiblanca variety have the typical characteristic scratch on the surface.
Net weight 920 g, drained weight 440 g.
Rajada Hojiblanca olives, water, salt, garlic, pepper, thyme, cumin, oregano, acidulants (E-330), antioxidants (E-300), preservatives (E-202, E-211) and anti-caking agents (E-551a).
Ernährungsinformationen/Nutrition Information/Información Nutricional:
Durchschnittswert Average Value/Valor Medio | pro 100 g per 100 g / por 100 g |
Energiewert/Energy Value/Valor energético | 913 kJ, 221 kcal |
Fett/Fat/Grasas | 21,17 g |
- davon gesättigte Fettsäuren/of which saturated/de las cuales saturadas | 3,82 g |
Kohlenhydrate/Carbohydrates/Hidratos de carbono | 6,05 g |
- davon Zucker/of which sugar/de los cuales azúcares | <0,1 g |
Proteine/Proteins/Proteínas | 1,59 g |
Salz/Salt/Sal | 3,63 g |
Name und Adresse des Herstellers/Name and address of manufacturer/Nombre y dirección del operador:
Ptge. Communitat Nou 7-A Pol. Ind. Magarola Sud
08292 Esparreguera - Barcelona
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